Didactic Material

This material has been developed for the students of this course. Since knowledge should be considered everyone’s heritage, my material is available to anyone who wants to study the course topics. However, such material cannot be used, even in part, for other purposes or in other courses, without my explicit permission and without citing the source.


Final Course Projects


Before trying to run or modify these examples, read the Software section and set-up all the required software


  • Atzeni, Ceri, Fraternali, Paraboschi, Torlone, Basi di dati - Modelli e linguaggi di interrogazione, McGraw-Hill
    The latest edition of the main course textbook is currently available only in Italian. Below is a list of other textbooks that can be useful for English-only-speaking students. See also the following document (available in the course slides repository): https://github.com/LaboratorioBasiDiDati-Univaq/LBD_Lecture_Slides/blob/main/Foreign_students.md.
  • Atzeni, Ceri, Paraboschi, Torlone, Database Systems - Concepts, Languages and Architectures, McGraw-Hill
    This book, published by McGraw Hill, is out of print; authors decided to make it available in PDF format at no cost: you can download it at the address http://dbbook.dia.uniroma3.it. Slides and exercises can be found on the same book website. For reading indications, see the following document (available in the course slides repository): https://github.com/LaboratorioBasiDiDati-Univaq/LBD_Lecture_Slides/blob/main/Foreign_students.md.
  • Garcia-Molina, Ullman, Widom, Database Systems: The Complete Book, McGraw-Hill
    See http://infolab.stanford.edu/~ullman/dscb.html. The book is also available in PDF format. Slides based on the book can be found on the book website. For reading indications, see the following document (available in the course slides repository): https://github.com/LaboratorioBasiDiDati-Univaq/LBD_Lecture_Slides/blob/main/Foreign_students.md.